Truth Life Ministries (TLM)
Our History
Truth Life Ministries was founded back in 1982 in the suburbs of New York City. Since then it has had ministry headquarters in CT, FL, CA and TX. Our principle beliefs are the TRUTH of the Bible as the spoken word of God, that everlasting LIFE is only available through belief in Jesus Christ, and that the gospel can be spread to the entire world by MINISTRIES focusing on person to person evangelism. Members are motivated by the belief that the second coming of Christ will occur after the gospel has been spread to the entire world. This can be effectively accomplished by focusing on person to person evangelism with the goal for each person to convey the gospel to two new people each day. Members strive for perfection each day so that each time they share the gospel they do a better job. The Reach Two Method leverages the power of exponents in that if each person effectively spread the gospel to two people who also effectively spread it to two people then the entire world could be evangelized in as little as one month.
I was hungry and TLM made sure I was fed. I was lost and TLM showed true concern for my soul so that with their help now I am found. Each day that I now start off in the Word and remain close to the Lord is much better than any that were previously spent apart from God.